Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Charging for Agritourism Operations

Eckert AgriMarketing, a leader in agritourism marketing, just released information about charging for agritourism operations. According to Jane Eckert, the issue is whether to charge general admission or charge by the activity. I think you will enjoy reading her comments on this issue. Click here for the entire article.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Gardening Plans for 2014

As we approach the end of a year, I always make out a new to-do list. If you have land suitable for gardening adding a garden opens up lots of opportunities to teach about soil requirements, fertilization, planting and harvesting.  Any and all would be of interest to our school age audiences
For more information on how to get started, read, "Farmers Market and Home Gardening Resource Guide, " on the LSU AgCenter's agritourism website.



Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas Tree Farms

Some of my favorite memories at Christmastime include searching for the perfect Christmas tree. Few people have a family farm to look for trees on today, but there are numerous Christmas tree farms located throughout our state that no only have trees but lots of fun activities for children to enjoy as they search for a tree.

For a listing of tree farms near you I suggest you log onto:

Pick Your Own Christmas Tree

MarketMaker (look under agritourism category) for a listing of Christmas Tree Farms.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Louisiana's Agritourism Limited Liability Law

To become a certified agritourism operator, one must seek protection according to the guidelines found in  La R.S. 9:2795.5, the limited liability agritourism law passed in 2008. 

There are numerous online helps found on our agritourism website:

You should begin by reading all of our publications and then following the guidelines enumerated in "Agritourism Certification Steps."

I can  be reached by calling:  (318) 927-9654 x229; or by e-mailing at

Monday, December 2, 2013

USDA Animal Certification

Agritourism operators who use animals as part of their agritourism venture are be subject to the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act regulations.

If your agritourism venture charges people to see animals, pet them or feed them you need a license as an exhibitor. If you do not have a license from USDA and are engaging in this practice, you could be subject to a $10,000 fine.

To safeguard your operation, you should call Dr. Lynn Bourgeios, veterinary medical officer with USDA animal care. Dr. Bourgeois can be reached by calling his office at (985) 537-0691 or by calling his cell at (240) 461-9182. He travels the state, so please leave a message. In the event that none of these numbers work call Mike Long at (970) 494-7471 to learn how to become certified. If no answer, call the main number (970) 494-7478 and ask to speak with someone concerning USDA certification under the Animal Welfare Act.

The process requires completion of an application and an inspection. During the inspection, officials will check on husbandry issues, veterinary care program, where animals live and review how animal food is stored.

So, if you have a petting zoo, race pigs, have a goat walk, ride horses, etc. you need to contact USDA and see if you need to become certified.


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Twelve Things to Consider

When I accepted the role of agritourism coordinator in 2010, I began doing intensive research online to find all the things that first time operators should know. Two publications followed immediately and since that time, I continue to find new and interesting things online that can be helpful.
Earlier this year, I created another online document called, "Twelve Things to Consider When Starting an Agritourism Business."  Click here to view the complete article.
Please continue to watch our blog for updates and visit our website:
Caption: This snapshot is showcasing a rabbit from Corley's Miniature Acres farm in Trout.


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Miniature Farm Animals

What a happy birthday boy!  The Corleys arrived at his home and unloaded lots of miniature animals for he and his friends to ride, feed and pet. It was a perfect combination, small children and small animals.

The Corley Family, Jerry and Patsy, operate a small miniature farm animal operation in Trout. You can come visit their farm or their farm will come to you.

Their website: or e-mail:, or call: 318-992-8101

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mitchell Farms

I had the opportunity to visit with agritourism operators in Mississippi November 14-15, 2013 at their annual Mississippi Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association Meeting in Philadelphia, MS. The agritourism operators also met during the conference.

While there, I met Jo Lynn Mitchell and her husband, Don, who  along with their three children own and operate Mitchell Farms in Collins, MS.

This farm has lots to offer both children and adults. They have farm tours in the fall and spring. They also sell farm produce and grow peanuts on the farm.

They offer lots of fun to families, check out their website.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Agritourism Growing

Agritourism is gaining in popularity across the United States as more and more Americans are generations removed from the farm. My daughter has hired a traveling farm to provide entertainment at my grandson's birthday party this weekend. I'll make pictures and share next week.

If you are considering starting an agritourism operation, log onto our website: to learn how to begin.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Kayaking as an Agritourism Option

Landowners who have lands bordering lakes, rivers or bayous have a great opportunity to provide some outdoor fun to adventurers. Providing access to a put-in and take-out may be all that is needed.

Offering kayak classes is another option.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Sign up for FREE Kayak Classes

Two Locations:
                                    Saturday, November 9, 2013

Lake Bruin State Park

Swimming Area

201 State Park Road, St. Joseph

11 am and 1:30 pm classes available

$2 per person to enter park

Call Betsy: (318) 766-3320 to register


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Lake St. John

Spokane Resort

4269 Hwy. 568, Ferriday

11 am and 1:30 pm classes available

                  Call Gena (601) 807-4085 to register
Instructor: Lena McKnight, Everyday Adventure, LLC
Classes are provided through a grant funding obtained by the LSU AgCenter's agritourism program. For details contact:
Dora Ann Hatch, agritourism coordinator,


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

New Specialty Store Opening in New Orleans

The Nola Green Roots Specialty Store will offer plants, seeds, fresh produce and even home-baked bread at its new store located inside of Wise Words Community Garden at 724 S. Hennessey St., New Orleans. To get an invitation to opening day e-mail them at or call them at 504-206-9298.

The Grand Opening is from 3:30-6:30 pm on November 1st.


   Two Locations:
                                    Saturday, November 9, 2013

Lake Bruin State Park

Swimming Area

201 State Park Road, St. Joseph

11 am and 1:30 pm classes available

$2 per person to enter park

Call Betsy: (318) 766-3320 to register


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Lake St. John

Spokane Resort

4269 Hwy. 568, Ferriday

11 am and 1:30 pm classes available

                  Call Gena (601) 807-4085 to register
Instructor: Lena McKnight, Everyday Adventure, LLC
Classes are provided through a grant funding obtained by the LSU AgCenter's agritourism program. For details contact:
Dora Ann Hatch, agritourism coordinator,


Monday, October 28, 2013

Time to Make Christmas Tree Plans

Louisiana has lots of Christmas tree farms and most of them are listed on one or both of these websites:
In addition to helping you locate a tree, these websites offer helpful information in how to select and care for your tree.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Landless Farmers Making Contribution in Farming Community

Tidewater Crop Mob is a group of volunteers who offer assistance to local farmers in southeastern Virginia.

They can be seen planting trees and clearing out weeds to harvesting garlic, planting potatoes and cleaning out a goat barn, according to a recent news article. You can find them at Facebook@TidewaterCropMob.

According to their Facebook page, “Crop Mob, is a monthly word-of-mouth event in which landless farmers and the agricurious descend on a farm for a day of supporting local farmers and sustainable agriculture through volunteering.  Working side by side farmers and consumers build a better relationship of understanding and trust.”

Participants farmers and consumers build a better relationship of understanding and trust. porting local farmers and sustainable agriculture through volunteering.
Working side by side farmers and consumers build a better relationship of understanding and trust.
have varied backgrounds, but most are interested in working with farmers and experiencing farm life.  What a great idea!

Not sure if this is happening in Louisiana, but if it is please e-mail me,

Read more here:


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Music and Agriculture a Good Mix

3:00 PM - 6:30 PM
$8.00 Per Adult
Children 12 and Under Free
5699 New Natichotches Road, West Monroe, Louisiana 71292
Landry Vineyards, a vineyard in north Louisiana, is hosting its last concert for the fall.
Check their website for details.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ag and Food Law Blog

The National Agricultural Law Center has a blog entitled, "Ag and Food Law Blog." you should add it to your must read list. It provides each reader with a national perspective on what is happening is agricultural law including agritourism.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Teddy Bear Festival in Madison Parish

Tina Johnson, Madison Parish Tourism Director, answers the question: Why the Teddy Bear Festival ? President Theodore Roosevelt came to Mississippi on a bear hunt in 1902 that ended in disappointment because he refused to shoot a 235-lb black bear that had been tied to a tree prior to his arrival on the scene. It was not until 1907 that President Roosevelt ventured into Louisiana into Madison Parish and kill his bear.

This year's festival is scheduled for Saturday, October 13th, beginning at 9 am and ending at 10pm in downtown Tallulah.  Visit their Facebook page to learn more.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Corn Boxes

The National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety is DISCOURAGING the use of "corn boxes and "corn cribs," in agritourism operations.  Some of the reasons include: choking, snuffing up a child's nose which leads to swelling. Some children are even allergic to corn.
There have also been several instances when children who have played in corn bins have suffocated when the corn collapsed on them. Although most of our operations do not use that depth of corn, children oftentimes, can't distinguish the depth. So, it's better to avoid the situation altogether.
As agritourism operators our goal in Louisiana is to keep it safe. For more information on these issues contact Marsha Salzwedel at the National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety.




Monday, September 23, 2013

WesMar Farms Highlighted on Film

Recently owners, Wes and Marguerite Constantine, of WesMar Farms,  a goat dairy, in  Moreauville, LA,  were featured on Farm Bureau's  This Week in Louisiana Agriculture.  Watch as Reporter Avery Davidson helps with farm chores at the dairy.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Yellow Rails and Rice Festival in Jennings

The Yellow Rails and Rice Festival is celebrating it's fifth year in 2013.  Festival goers must pre-register for the festival which begins on October 23 and ends on the 27th.

Those who attend can expect to visit rice fields,  explore nearby birding areas, join trips to local points of interest, or venture even  farther along the Cameron Parish coast.

For more details click on their website.

This is one of Louisiana's best agritourism festivals celebrating rice, birds and nature.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fruit and Vegetable Growers Conference, October 17, 2013

You are invited to attend the 2013 Northeast Louisiana

Fruit and Vegetable Growers Conference

Thursday October 17, 2013

9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Scott Center, Macon Ridge Research Station, Winnsboro, LA

Registration Fee:        $10

For More Information or to Pre-Register, Contact:

Mavis Finger at



9:00 A.M.
Registration and Coffee
Welcome and Introductions
Food Safety Modernization Act
Soil Testing
Growing Organic
Selling Locally
Market Maker
Opportunities for Growers
Master Gardener Program
La Sweet Potato Industry Update and Wrap Up of Morning Session
12:30 P.M.
Tour of Sweet Potato Research Station
Wrap Up


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fall Fire Ant Control

Agritourism operators each year face the pesky fire ant. Apply fire ant baits in the fall to minimize fire ant problems. eXtension contributor Extension Specialist Molly Keck of Texas A&M  AgriLife has a video that explains how. Click here to watch the recording of the September 4, 2013 webinar, "Fall-A Good Time to Control Fire Ants with Bait." Click on "watch recording" in upper right.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Bird Watching Included as Activity in Agritourism Limited Liability Law

Bird  watching is an approved activity under the agritourism limited liability law and many farmers around Jennings and in Cameron Parish are participating in the Yellow Rails and Rice Festival beginning in October. This is the festivals fifth year of operation and it continues to thrive.

This newly revised brochure,  Birders Guide to Louisiana, is a free download you can use to plan your birding adventures on your agricultural lands.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

DixieMaze Farm in Shreveport, LA


Recently, I had the opportunity to talk to Mike Billings of DixieMaze Farm in Shreveport, LA. Mike told me that in fifteen years the operation had expanded to provide more than just a corn maze. As you can see from this aerial photo, his operation includes: pony rides, duck races, cow train , hayride, corn bin and a zombie paintball area.

Click here to see his website for information on location, attractions, fees and parking.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Create a Trail -- Muscadine Wine Trail

What a great idea to use a commodity to move people around the state. The Muscadine Wine Trail in North Carolina promotes the entire region and suggests other stops along with way. It shares information on history, culture and family in a unique way that tells a story about the region.

To add to the experience, allow guests to help make the wine; film them and upload to You-Tube or send to their Facebook page. This might appeal to some audiences who enjoy  social media.

While a muscadine wine trail is a good idea, this could be used with any commodity. To learn more about the trail, its goals and how it works, click here.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Tell A Story To Draw Tourists

Ted Eubanks, one of the keynotes for the recently held National Extension Tourism Conference, encouraged people to tell stories about a destination. He said that people will travel for the story. He encouraged use of travel stories to foster, shape and direct tourism information.

He suggested determining what is important where you live by asking yourself the following questions.  Is it placed well?  Is it real? Does it benefit locals? Is it intriguing? Is it experiential rather than price driven? Is it sustainable?  His complete presentation is available on his website under the National Extension Tourism article.
We have lots of stories in Louisiana about our people, food and places.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Arts and Eats Tour in Michigan

Back road art, food and farm tours are receiving lots of attention in Michigan. The Arts and Eats Tour began as a means to raise awareness and appreciation for the region’s natural resources, rural areas, land, forests, and villages/towns. Their goal is to educate people about the benefits of purchasing locally grown foods; supporting local artists; and learning the connections between restaurants, farmers and local foods.

This is a great idea for us in Louisiana; we could lure the urban visitor to the countryside to take advantage of learning about food, fiber and art.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Farm To Table Events in Colorado

In Colorado, Rock Bottom Ranch is experimenting with agritourism by offering meals that come straight from the land. The agricultural nonprofit, Rock Bottom Ranch, owned and operated by the Aspen Center for Environmental Studies hosted two farm-to-table dinners this summer with a third booked for September.

Farmer, chef and ranch manager Jason Smith believes this type of activity is a way to connect people with locally grown, farm fresh foods from the area. Tours of the farm give insight into where the food on the table originates from and the work that goes into those products.  

 How much will people pay? Smith kept the menu a secret for the first two dinners and charged $75 for the first and $90 for the second; he has not set the price of the third. The first two dinners sold out within days.
What a great idea!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Farm to Table Movement

Across the nation people want access to locally grown foods. Chefs are traveling to farms to select their own ingredients and prepare them fresh from the farm. Customers are enjoying the experience. It's an opportunity for the farmer and the chef to work together to create something spectacular!

Click here to see a recent video from Louisiana. See how Executive Chef Jeremy Langlois of Houmas House Plantation and Gardens in Darrow, LA uses the produce grown by gardener Craig Black. Then visit Baton Rouge to hear from Nathan Gresham, chef at Beausoleil Restaurant and Bar and finally hear from farmer, Galen Iverstine of Kentwood. Each share a unique perspective of farm to table.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Agritourism Information

The LSU AgCenter provides information to start, grow and sustain your  agritourism business. Our   website offers information on rules, regulations, workshops and ideas.

Every quarter we offer a newsletter filled with information. Click here to read the latest edition.

This quarter you will learn about marketing agritourism online, farm-to-table events, arts and eats in Michigan, Fermata founder insights into tourism and workshops schedules for October.

If you have a question, give Dora Ann Hatch a call at
(318) 927-9654 extension 229 or e-mail her at

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Recreational Tourism Abounds in Rural Settings

Recreational tourism can include: agritourism, heritage tourism, eco-tourism, nature-based tourism, etc. It's about having fun and learning something at the same time. Most of the opportunities can be found in rural settings.

In Louisiana, we have recreational statutes that provide a level of protection for landowners. One of our newest is the Louisiana Agritourism Limited Liability Law which was passed in 2008. This law lists a number of opportunities for landowners to engage in and receive protection under the law.

Although we list many activities as agritourism, they could also be considered eco-tourism and nature-based tourism.

I found an excellent resource online entitled, "Developing Naturally: An Exploratory Process for Nature-Based Community Tourism."  This manual was written by the Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service and provides great insight in how to develop a region for tourism using natural resources.

The LSU AgCenter provides assistance in agritourism related projects.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Grass Fed Beef Featured by Well-known Restaurateur

The Brennan Family has been a leader in New Orleans cuisine for decades. Recently Dr. Shannon Gonsoulin of Gonsoulin Land and Cattle from New Iberia  and the Dickie Brennan restaurants  teamed up to showcase the grass fed beef movement.

What an enterprising idea to team up with a well-known chef.
 If you have value-added products, try this idea.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Marketing Agritourism Online

Advertising today does not have to be costly. Taking the time to learn how to have an online presence is key to your success.  Having a website is a must.

Nebraska has released an online publication showing the importance of marketing your agritourism ventues using online strategies. The brochure is free and can be accessed online or downloaded.  You will be asked for your e-mail to access the brochure.  Call us at the LSU AgCenter or e-mail us if we can assist you in anyway with your agritourism venture.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ted Eubanks with Fermata Provided Insights to Group

Recently in Michigan, Ted Eubanks, founder and President of Fermata, Inc., provided some helpful information to those of us promoting experiential tourism. He said that stories represent experiences that people will travel for. So, let's think of the stories we want people to tell of their visits to our agritourism operations.

What could some of our stories be?
-  I rode horseback through a forest and had a meal by the campfire.
-  I caught a fish at the pond and cleaned it.
-  I slept in a cabin in the middle of the woods.
-  I had fun in the corn maze.
-  I milked a cow.
-  I watched the cheese making process.
-  I picked peas and then cooked them and had them for a meal.
-  I shot my first deer or squirrel.

You get the idea, it's the stories about the experiences.

Review our online information at:

Friday, August 9, 2013

Arts and Eats

During the National Extension Tourism Conference in Detroit, MI this week, I learned that communities are combining a visit to the farm with art work. 

The program is called Arts and Eats, for more information go to:
This Michigan based program has been successful.

Contact the LSU AgCenter for more information.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Louisiana Agritourism Law

The Louisiana Agritourism Law (La. R.S. 9:2795.5)  is intended to limit the liability of an agritourism professional for injuries that occur through no fault of the agritourism professional.

The LSU AgCenter has a best managment practices guide to address safety issues.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

If You Have a Website You Need a Mobile Website Too

 Yesterday, sitting in the Dallas airport I noticed everyone was on their mobile devices.  People have time to explore while they wait. Take advantage of that by having a great website that goes mobile too.

For more on this subject, click here.

Attending National Extension Tourism Conference

Good morning everyone, I hope to send lots of information this week on the conference I'm attending in Detroit. Conference speakers will talk about agricultural, nature-based and rural tourism at this conference .

My presentation at the conference is entitled, "New Partnerships Lead to Expansion of Nature-based Tourism in the Louisiana Delta." I plan to tell how federal, state and local groups are working together to showcase the Delta region of our state for its agricultural and nature-based tourism opportunities.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Agritourism in Massachusetts

Recently, I read a newspaper article in the Herald News in Massachusetts written by Linda Murphy. In the article Linda talks about the demand from consumers for more farm related tours. The article shares that 20 years ago when the "know where your food comes from" movement started that people's curiosity of farms peaked. Since that time, farms have opened their doors to tourists and have realized that tourists can improve their bottom line. The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources has an agritourism map of the state to help guide  tourists to destinations.
Click here to read the entire article.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Destination Marketing With A Purpose--FREE Webinar July 30th

Join Solimar International for a FREE webinar on Tuesday, July 30th from 10-11 A.M. CST.  Register  by clicking here.
This workshop will  explore new models for destination marketing.
Learn how to:
  • prioritize and align your online and offline marketing activities
  • maximize social media resources
  • track the effectiveness of your campaigns
  • and work collaboratively with the tourism trade to grow awareness and drive sales.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Global Tourism Workshop

August 13, 2013

10 am to 2 pm

Cost: $25 includes lunch.

Lower Mississippi River Museum
910 Washington Street
Vicksburg, MS

Pay at the door, but reserve your place by calling

This workshop will explore ways to take your community's customer relations skills to a higher level by learning to attract and entertain international visitors. Southern hospitality with just the right twist can make guests from far and near feel comfortable. Whether your customers are tour groups, families on holiday, retirees, or business persons considering relocation, the time is right to be ready for global tourism. 

Presented by: Miss-Lou Rural Tourism Association and Beacon Consultants along with participating partners: MSU-Stennis Institute, LSU AgCenter, MSU-ES, Vicksburg Main Street and Mississippi Development Authority Division of Tourism.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Farmers Markets

Last weekend I was in Memphis, TN and of course I had to go to the Farmers Market. I found lots of fruits, vegetables, flowers and meats to purchase. What I loved about the market was the beautiful displays. All the vendors did a great job showcasing their products.  To learn more about farmers markets, read the Farmers Market Guide.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Outdoor Business Workshop in Zwolle, July 23, 2013

This one-day workshop will provide landowners with information on supplemental income opportunities using natural resources on their land.

FORESTERS who attend can receive CFE credits.
Topics will include cost-share assistance programs; fee-based hunting and fishing; nature trails; wildlife and birding; liability and legal considerations; and testimonials from landowners who are engaged in outdoor recreation. This program is co-sponsored by the Mississippi State University Natural Resource Enterprises Program.
Who should attend? This workshop is designed for landowners and others who would like to develop an outdoor business.
Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Time: Registration begins at 8 a.m. and the program begins at 9 a.m. Program ends at 4 p.m.
Location: Wildwood Resort, 129 Wildwood Road, Zwolle, LA 71486.


Registration: Pay registration fee of $25 per person or $30 per couple. Complete the form and return by July 19th. Make check payable to "LSU AgCenter" and mail to Dora Ann Hatch, LSU AgCenter, 11959 Hwy. 9, Homer, LA 71040.  We can accommodate some walk-ups but please register so we can prepare.
For more information contact: 
Dora Ann Hatch, LSU AgCenter Agritourism Coordinator, at (318) 927-9654 x 229 (office), (318) 245-6791 (cell) or e-mail her at: or
Chris Pearce, LSU AgCenter Extension Agent in Sabine Parish at (318) 256-3406 or e-mail him at:
From Shreveport, LA:
Take I-49 South toward Alexandria. Take exit 162 for LA-177 toward Couabatta/Pleasant Hill. Turn right onto LA-177 S. After 3,5 miles, turn left to stay on LA-177 S. Go 7.3 miles. Turn left onto LA-175 S. Go 9.9. miles. Turn right onto LA-120 W. Go 10.7 miles. Turn left onto Obrie St. Go 1.4 miles. Turn left onto LA-191 S. Go 3 miles. Turn right onto Carters Ferry Rd. Go 2 miles. Turn right onto San Miguel Rd. Continue onto Cozy Point Rd. Continue onto Wildwood Rd. Entrance to Wildwood Resort on the left.

From Alexandria, LA:
Take I-49 North to exit 138 (LA-6 W). Turn left onto LA-6 W/University Parkway. Go 24 miles. Turn right onto Hill St. Continue onto US-171 N/Elizabeth St. Go 8.8 miles. Turn left onto N. Main St. Go 1.5 miles. Turn left onto Obrie St. Go 1.4 miles. Turn left onto LA-191 S. Go 3 miles. Turn right onto Carters Ferry Rd. Go 2 miles. Turn right onto San Miguel Rd. Continue onto Cozy Point Rd. Continue onto Wildwood Rd. Entrance to Wildwood Resort on the left.