Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Networking Association for Farm Direct Marketing and Agritourism

Charlie Touchette extends an invitation for you to attend the 2013  NAFDMA meeting in Portland, Oregon, February 1-6, 2013.  Registration for this meeting would make a great gift for a person interested in direct sales and agritourism. To learn more, go to their website:

Several of our agritourism operations in Louisiana attend this event every year.


Martha Glass said...

The North American Farmers' Direct Marketing Association, known also as the "Networking Associatin for Farm Direct Marketing and Agritourism" will indeed host a great lineup of networking Feb. 1-6 in Portland, Oregon. A 6 bus, 3-day "school on wheels" bus tour followed by 3 education and fun-filled workshops and sessions where YOU can learn,learn and laugh!

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